Maytag Dishwasher Stops After a Few Minutes – Causes & Solutions

A dishwasher is a modern kitchen designed to make our lives easier and our dishes cleaner. But what do you do when your trusted Maytag dishwasher suddenly stops working after just a few minutes? It can be frustrating and inconvenient, but fear not!

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This comprehensive guide will explore the various causes behind this issue and provide valuable solutions to restore your Maytag dishwasher to its efficient cleaning.

Check for the Basics

Before delving into complex troubleshooting, starting with the basics is essential. Sometimes, the issue may be more straightforward to fix than you think.

An issue with the Power Supply

  • Cause: Ensure your Maytag dishwasher is correctly connected to a power source. A loose or unplugged power cord can lead to sudden stops.
  • Solution: Double-check the power cord, plug, and outlet. Make sure they are securely connected and that the outlet is functioning correctly. Reset any tripped circuit breakers if necessary. In some cases, you might have to change the power cord entirely. This may become necessary if you discover the power cord is wrong. You can walk into any electrical store to get one or order one online. Consider plugging it into another outlet if the issue is with your power outlet.

A Faulty Door Latch

  • Cause: A faulty door latch or seal may disrupt the dishwasher’s operation as it relies on a closed door.
  • Solution: Inspect the door latch and seal for visible damage or misalignment. Sometimes, you could have closed the door better. Please open the door again and close it properly this time. However, if after doing all these, you still notice that the door latch or seal needs to be aligned the way it should be, hope is not lost. Replace them if necessary, as this can prevent the door from closing correctly. You can either DIY or you need to get a technician to help you if you want to avoid stressing yourself with watching ‘how-to’ videos.

Water Supply Issues

A dishwasher needs a steady supply of water to function correctly. Problems with water flow can

An Issue with the Water Inlet Valve

  • Cause: A malfunctioning water inlet valve can restrict water flow into the dishwasher, causing it to stop.
  • Solution: Check the water inlet valve for clogs or damage. There are two things you can do. The first thing is to try and remove any clog restricting the water flow. And you if feel it cannot be repaired, consider the second option. Replace the valve if it is defective to ensure a consistent water supply.

An Issue with the Water Pressure

  • Cause: Low water pressure can lead to inadequate water supply to your dishwasher, causing it to stop during the cycle.
  • Solution: Check your home’s water pressure. If it is below the recommended range (20-120 psi), consider contacting a plumber to address the issue. Installing a water pressure booster may also be necessary.
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Drainage Problems

Proper drainage is as crucial as the water supply for a dishwasher’s functionality. Drainage issues can lead to premature cycle stops.

A Clogged Drain Hose

  • Cause: A clogged drain hose can obstruct the dishwasher’s ability to drain water efficiently.
  • Solution: Inspect the drain hose for any blockages. Remove any noticeable debris and straighten any kinks to ensure proper drainage. If you notice the drain hose is terrible, it may be time to buy a new one. You can buy a new drain hose at a local store or order one online.

An Air Gap or Garbage Disposal Clogs

  • Cause: An air gap or garbage disposal clog can lead to drainage problems, forcing the dishwasher to stop.
  • Solution: Clean the air gap and check your garbage disposal for blockages. Clear any obstructions to allow smooth drainage. Take your time to inspect the air gap because these obstructions can be as small as a tiny dot.

Overheating & Thermal Fuse

Your Maytag dishwasher has safety features like a thermal fuse to prevent overheating. If it senses excessive heat, it will stop the cycle to avoid damage.


  • Cause: Overloading the dishwasher or using it on high-temperature settings can lead to overheating, triggering the thermal fuse.
  • Solution: Refrain from overloading your dishwasher. Load only the recommended weight and use appropriate temperature settings for the load. If the dishwasher stopped working because of overheating, let it cool down and restart.

Thermal Fuse

The thermal fuse is crucial in keeping your dishwasher safe from overheating. It acts like a protective measure if it blows by shutting down the dishwasher. To check if it’s working correctly, you’ll want to locate the thermal fuse on the control board, which is located behind the inner door.

  • Cause: A malfunctioning thermal fuse can cause the dishwasher to stop prematurely, even when not overheating.
  • Solution: Unplug the two connecting wires and remove the fuse from the control panel for testing. Test the thermal fuse for continuity using a multimeter. If blown, replace it with a new one to ensure safe and uninterrupted operation.

Wash Cycle Interruptions

Sometimes, the dishwasher may pause its cycle due to minor interruptions that can be quickly resolved.

Detergent Dispenser Obstruction

  • Cause: An obstructed detergent dispenser can hinder the cleaning process, causing the dishwasher to stop.
  • Solution: Ensure the detergent dispenser is free from any blockages or residue. Use the appropriate detergent and loading techniques for optimal performance.

Spray Arm Blockage

  • Cause: Blockages in the spray arm can disrupt water distribution, leading to cycle interruptions.
  • Solution: Remove the spray arms and clean them thoroughly. Additionally, check for debris or foreign objects and clear any noticeable obstructions.
Photo by Wendelin Jacober

Electronic Control Board

Modern dishwashers rely on electronic control boards to manage various functions. Malfunctions in this component can result in cycle stops.

Electronic Control Board Issues

  • Cause: Electronic control board malfunctions can cause erratic behavior, including cycle interruptions.
  • Solution: Consult the user manual for your Maytag dishwasher to identify error codes or diagnostic modes. If the control board is faulty, it may require professional repair or replacement. Do not try to repair the control board on your own.

Professional Assistance

If all else fails and your Maytag dishwasher continues to stop prematurely, it may be time to seek professional assistance.

Contact Maytag Customer Service

  • Cause: Complex technical issues or part failures may require professional diagnosis and repair.
  • Solution: Contact Maytag’s customer service or a certified technician to assess and address the problem accurately. They have the expertise and tools to resolve intricate issues effectively.

Wrap Up

A Maytag dishwasher stopping after only a few minutes can be frustrating. However, armed with these valuable solutions, you can troubleshoot and address the problem effectively. Remember to start with the basics, check water supply and drainage, and inspect critical components.

In cases where professional intervention is necessary, don’t hesitate to seek expert help to ensure your dishwasher runs smoothly and efficiently again. You can enjoy hassle-free dishwashing for years with proper maintenance and timely solutions.